Workshop #5 – the Power of Movement

And so we decided to dive in the deep end and invite the little people to come along for our latest workshop ‘Power of Movement’ on July 27.

We were very grateful that the amazing Alexandra Bruggisser ( Paediatric Exercise Physiologist ) was keen to be part of the event and bring info, handouts ( which I forgot to hand out…) and MOVEMENT.

The night was all about what Movement and Exercise does for your body and mind. It’s cheap, available at all times and FUN! Nicola tried to be a sales rep and sell this amazing new medication which improves Mood, Sleep, Concentration, Weight loss, Strength and prevents Cancers and Diabetes: EXERCISE.

Research has even shown what different types of Exercise does in different areas of your brain…

As some kids were interested in the PowerPoint presentations (and explained what chores they had to do in the house and how to combine this with exercise; yes, some children clean toilets at home!), all the kids were very excited to be part of the activity with Alex; on the spot movements acting out animals, being chased by a dog, picking food from trees. Then the lights went off for the light up balloons to play some ‘Keepy Uppy’.

Thank you all for coming and we we are looking forward to next month’s workshop all about FOOD.

Send through some questions, ideas you would like us to focus on.

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